5 Countries Where Property Gets You A Plan B Residency

Punta del este Beach, Belize a country with a plan b residency

Yesterday, Lief Simon revealed his top 10 picks for where to go to escape the world’s problems… things like war, climate change, economic collapse, and other issues we can’t foresee.   

It’s easy to become disheartened when you consider the state of the world…  

But there’s always a way out. If you’re strategic, you and your family can avoid the worst of current and coming problems.   

It starts with getting a “plan B” residency in a safe and peaceful country… a country that won’t be hit hard by what’s coming and where you can enjoy a great lifestyle…  

But where do you find such a place?  

Lief and his contributor, Con Murphy, revealed the 10 countries that are best prepared for the next crisis in the Global Survival Index, released yesterday.   

If you’re a Simon Letter member, you already know what those 10 countries are… If not, subscribe here now while a Black Friday discount remains in effect for one more day.

Meantime, I want to talk about the interplay between Survival Index countries and property.  

5 Survival Index Countries That Have Golden Visa Programs  

 Five of the countries featured in the 2024 Global Survival Index operate golden visa programs, whereby investing in property above a certain financial threshold gets you residency.   

In other words, buying a home, on top of all the usual benefits that overseas property investment can bring, provides the very thing you need to get started with a plan B: residency.  

  1. Uruguay   

With its food, water, and energy security, low risk of invasion or terror, low debt, and mixed economy, Uruguay is a truly resilient country, making it a great choice for a plan B.    

It offers a high standard of living, a temperate climate, great beaches, and a welcoming environment for foreigners.  

 It’s one of the most politically stable countries in the region and one of the least corrupt countries in the world.  

It boasts a few natural resources, like cattle (the most per capita in the world) and water, with over 10 times the global average freshwater reserves per capita.  

It’s capable of powering 50% of its energy needs through renewable energy, and it avoids the more extreme natural disasters that plague other South American countries.  

Uruguay’s Golden Visa Program  

You can gain permanent residency in Uruguay by investing about US$525,000 in real estate.   

You only have to be present in Uruguay for 60 days per year to maintain this status, and it leads to citizenship (in three years for couples and five years for individuals).  

On top of residency, this affords you visa-free travel within MERCOSUR (including Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay).  

  1. Spain  

Spain is a peaceful country with an impressive array of natural resources. It shows enviable self-sufficiency in some vital resources, including iron ore, coal, copper, lead, and uranium.  

It’s also a major producer and exporter of many foodstuffs, from commodities like oils to fruit and vegetables to some of the most expensive luxury items in the world, like truffles.   

Spain is prone to some natural disasters, like heatwaves, droughts, and wildfires… but it’s actively adapting to the new global realities.   

It has roughly the global average freshwater reserves, but its water recycling and reuse practices are the envy of Europe.  

Spain’s Golden Visa Program  

To qualify for residency in Spain with a property purchase, you need to spend at least 500,000 euros.   

This grants you a one- or two-year residence permit that lets you live and work in Spain. It’s renewable so long as you continue to hold the investment, and you don’t need to spend any time in the country to maintain the status.  

After 10 years, you can qualify for citizenship, which opens up your options of places to live overseas to the entire EU. 

  1. Panama  

Panama is Simon Letter’s top offshore and investment destination… but how does it measure up for resiliency?  

It’s rich in natural resources, including water, and has an ideal growing climate, with over 2 million hectares under cultivation.  

It’s open to trade and promotes an open economy that welcomes and protects investors’ rights. Plus, it has strong infrastructure (ports, roads, rail networks, and the Canal) and a growing middle class. 

 Panama ranks well in almost every category except security, climate change, and natural disaster risk.  

Panama’s Golden Visa Program  

Invest US$300,000 in property in Panama to get immediate permanent residency, valid for five years.   

You only have to visit the country once every two years to maintain your status, and after five years, you can apply for citizenship (although Panama technically doesn’t recognize dual citizenship).   

  1. Brazil  

Brazil is a vast country with a hugely varied geography.   

It’s got thousands of miles of beautiful beaches, as well as remote mountain regions and vibrant cities… although when we talk about Brazil’s resilience, we’re referring to sprawling areas like Ceará State.   

Brazil is blessed with many valuable natural resources, strong food production abilities, and the largest freshwater reserves in the world. 

 It’s the world’s fifth-largest country, bordering every country in South America except Ecuador and Chile, making it resilient in trade and logistics.  

Brazil is more energy independent than most countries, with indigenous oil, gas, and ethanol production… and it has plenty of hydroelectric power.   

Brazil’s Golden Visa Program  

You can qualify for immediate permanent residency in Brazil by investing between US$126,000 and US$185,000 in real estate (the lower end of the spectrum applies to the North and North Eastern regions; the high end applies to anything else).   

The physical presence requirement to maintain residency is 30 days per year, and it allows you to apply for citizenship in as little as three years.   

  1. Colombia  

Colombia is on the northern coast of South America, bordering Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, and Panama. Its location puts it in a strong position for regional trade.  

It’s rich in natural resources, including petroleum, natural gas, gems, and precious metals. And it has over five times the global average water reserves per capita, making it water resilient.   

Colombia is a major producer (and exporter) of oil and gas for a country of its size, which makes it relatively energy self-sufficient. It’s also a major food-producing nation and is currently about 70% self-sufficient in food.  

Colombia’s Golden Visa Program  

If you invest about US$75,000 in real estate in Colombia, you can qualify for a three-year temporary residency permit under its golden visa program.   

To maintain your status, you can’t be absent from Colombia for more than six consecutive months.   

This puts you on a path to citizenship after 10 years, but you can’t have been absent from Colombia for more than 365 days consecutively.   


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Sophia Titley
Editor, Overseas Property Alert